

Luxury of Time October 30, 2023 Quips The ability to donate your time is a luxury. Inclusivity requires support for those who can’t afford luxury. Boss Boss Boss October 13, 2023 Quips If your boss’s boss’s boss isn’t promoting accessibility, is your company really behind it? Eventually October 6, 2023 Quips Eventually it’s not my job to convince you you’re being ableist. Eventually, you aren’t worth my time. Collaborate October 3, 2023 Quips Accessibility comes from collaboration not fiat. Talk to people, including your own team. Every group is a minority September 21, 2023 Quips Every group is a minority if you slice it right. But you still design for them. Cold take August 29, 2023 Quips Ok look September 7, 2021 That's it. That's the tweet. & quips Ok look Needs are human September 1, 2021 That's it. That's the tweet. & quips Needs are human The problem with AccessibleOverlays is the lack of inclusivity through hubris August 22, 2021 That's it. That's the tweet. & quips The problem with AccessibleOverlays is the lack of inclusivity through hubris Accessibility starts with empathy August 15, 2021 That's it. That's the tweet. & quips Accessibility starts with empathy. If you don’t or won’t care about people there’s nothing I or society can do for you.